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Lee Valley Speakers
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District 71 
District 91 

Our Blog  (Lee Valley Speakers) 
Ambiguity is not our forté.

Meeting number 29 saw our usual mix of contributions with two speeches, one from the Competent Communicator Manual and one advanced speech from the Entertaining Speaker Manual. 

Toastmaster for the evening Mary Murphy introduced Nicola Hogan with a CC2 speech entitled "How do we become who we are", evaluated by Matt Murphy, doing his very first evaluation. Moira O'Brien's speech number 3 from the Entertaining Speaker manual, evaluated by Sharon O'Neill, was entitled "Ageing? What's that?".

Tom O'Connor handled the Topics Session like he had done it a hundred times before instead of being his first time, with an interesting range of topics.

The general evaluator was Blarney's Mary Walsh, ably assisted by Timekeeper Mary Lucey, Ah Counter Peter Neville and Grammarian Michael Lynch.

LABELS:  MEETINGS,&sid=d2d65728cc1708cf62de555e968f27c9
Posted: Lee Valley Speakers, 02 May 17, 13:37 by Moira O'Brien    Comments:

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